Do Ho Suh: Transparency
2020.03.29Aileen Lee

Do Ho Suh: Transparency


When we visited the Los Angeles County Art Museum last month, I was excited to discover Do Ho Suh’s work and his beautiful installation. Suh is a Korean sculptor and artist. He works with a variety of media, paintings and film, and often explores the theme of space and home.

With social distancing still in place for COVID-19, travel is out of the question at the moment. Instead, let's take a moment to e-visit this artist’s astounding work.

PS. As cliche as it sounds, I find that visits to the art gallery do enrich my creativity. As I walked through Suh’s translucent walls, his clever use of embroidery to create details and furnishings -- a gush of new ideas seeped in. A future showpiece for the next collection, with sheer organza and tone-on-tone embroidery, perhaps. 

348 West 22nd Street

“In 348 West 22nd Street (2011 - 15), Such replicates his ground-floor residence in New York. Visitors are invited to experience an ephemeral representation of the artist’s daily life by walking through the immersive collection of conjoined rooms. Suh creates the dreamlike spaces with swaths of translucent polyester, which are held up by stainless steel.”

Do Ho Suh’s works elicit a physical manifestation of memory, exploring ideas of personal history, cultural tradition, and belief systems in the contemporary world.

In this immersive passageway of conjoined rooms, visitors pass through an ephemeral representation of the artist’s personal history. The corridor, stairs, apartment, and studio are each rendered in a single block of color, with fixtures and appliances replicated in exacting detail.



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